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About RAM Companies

Our Philosophy

Combining the Most Cost-Effective Solutions While Providing Impactful Landfill Reduction

Our Philosophy


RAM Companies is an industry-leading roofing, paving and building envelope consultant firm. We help clients protect and preserve their facilities through a three-part approach called Information, Implementation and Continuation (IIC). We also aid clients in considering their impact on the environment, their communities and their business practices through Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives. This includes reducing carbon emissions, improving the workplace and following ethical business practices. As a result, companies can positively impact the environment and communities and enhance their long-term success by doing these things.

We support roofing and building projects for commercial buildings by helping our clients protect and preserve their buildings. We have a three-part approach called Information, Implementation and Continuation (IIC) that supports us in finding solutions that save money and extend the life of the buildings. We work with clients proactively to create plans that reduce the costs of maintaining and using the facilities while extending their lifespan.

Companies must consider their impact on the environment, communities and business practices. These are Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives. We help clients plan projects that use ESG principles and promote sustainability. This includes recycling materials, keeping debris out of landfills and sourcing materials from sustainable sources. We also conduct energy and thermal scans so companies can see where they are losing energy and money. By doing these things, companies can positively impact the environment and communities and improve their long-term success. Additionally, ESG initiatives improve a company’s reputation and trustworthiness.

We are passionate about helping our clients protect and preserve their buildings. At RAM Companies, we help clients reduce costs and build longer-lasting buildings. Additionally, we support clients with ESG initiatives, as these can benefit the environment, their communities and their business. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your commercial building projects.


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