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Case Study


Leading the Way in Sustainability and Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry

Healthcare System Finds Thousands for Healthier Roofs

An extensive midwestern healthcare system with 14 hospital campuses and 100+ medical and research buildings was growing tired of reactionary and costly roofing programs. Before rolling out an overall roof asset management plan, the client solicited bids for consulting design, installation and project management for roof replacements at four hospitals. RAM won all four bids.

Patent Pending Diagnostics Reveal True Roof Condition

One of the projects at an 80,000 sq. ft. campus had an approved budget of $600,000 to replace a roof based on a roof material manufacturer’s age-based recommendations. RAM’s field survey team and aerial infrared team’s patent-pending moisture analysis process identified that this roof had only 20% light moisture saturation and could last 3-4 more years with minor repairs before being replaced. Additionally, the repair budget was only half of the true replacement costs. RAM notified the client, and the roof replacement project was canceled. The client gained the confidence and time to allocate funds based on true need. The original budget was reallocated across the campus for other projects.

Asset Management Roadmap for Roofs and Walls

Many of the client’s buildings date back to 1935, with varying additions and roof sections. Their exterior masonry walls were in fair to poor condition, contributing to widespread leaks. After RAM’s initial success, RAM was then hired to provide condition assessments and aerial infrared moisture scans across all 37 roof sections and wall systems. This created an overall roof and wall asset management plan with 5-year severity rankings, life cycle analysis and budgeting information that was rolled out across all 37 roof sections. This objective information now guides their capital and maintenance project planning efforts.


Health Care

Sites Scanned


Total Sq. Footage


Project Type

Diagnostic Roof Assessments

Cost Savings


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