The Roofing Shell Game
You’ve just spent several hundred thousand dollars on a new roofing system for your ...
The Worst Roof Leaks May be the Ones You Don’t See
Winter can be tough on roofs, with wind, snow, and freeze-thaw cycles all stressing the ...
The Case for Condition-Based Asset Management for Roofs
Over the past six decades, building owners and managers have implemented various roof ...
Scanning for Solutions
Get a second opinion. What harm would it do? Second opinions can help reinforce a ...
Replacement? Why Not Repair?
With respect to roofs, an easy and costly solution is to completely replace the roof. ...
Services & Maintenance: Think Outside The Box
Hidden in plain sight, substantial energy savings opportunities can be found in the most ...
Think You are Covered by a Roof Warranty?
A warranty is a promise made by the manufacturer or seller of a product that ensures it ...
Value of RAM Companies as your Registered Roof Consultant
RAM Companies' role as a roofing consultant on your team adds value to roofing projects ...